What Fuel Can Be Used For a Mamod Steam Engine?

With steam engine enthusiasts steaming up their Mamod live steam engines, the most typical fuel used for a Mamod engine is the fuel tablets which are put into a burner tray. These were introduced by Mamod after Meth burners caused serious hazards being that meth is extremely flammable and the flame is invisible to the eye. However, this doesn't mean tablets are the only fuel you can use for your engine.

I suggest you take a look at my "Buy Fuel" page which has a list of all types of fuels you can buy on the internet with prices too.

When it comes to fuelling your Mamod, you need to think about three traits the fuel has
  • It burns hot.
  • It burns for long.
  • It's cheap.
From this, here are the main fuels you can use to steam up your engine.


This doesn't mean Mamod's official tablets. Other companies such as Steam4Fun provide the same tablets as Mamod for near half the price. Unofficial tablets are cheaper and provide the same steam up experience as Mamod's tablets.

Methylated Spirit

Although more dangerous, this is probably the best fuel for a Mamod engine. It's cheap and easy to get seeing that most DIY stores provide it at around £2-4 per litre. With it, you will need a meth burner to use. Also, be extra cautious because most accidents happen with methylated spirit:
  • Make sure you are aware of the flame. Do this by hovering your hand over the burner to see if there is any heat.
  • Wear gloves when filling your burner up. 
  • When your finished with steaming up, make sure you leave the burner. You may think it has stopped burning but it might not have. Definitely do not refill the burner because that may cause the whole bottle of meth to set alight. Wait at least ten minutes before refilling to be safe than sorry.


A new and cheap fuel that has recently come out is gel (which at the moment is only supplied by Steam4Fun). The gel is a green colour and can be used in the same burner trays as the tablets are. The flame is visible and burns hot for a long time. It also does not soot your engine up which is always a massive positive!

Gas Burner

This the most expensive burner to buy but in the long term is the cheapest. Because it is refillable, you always have a supply of gas which burns hot for very very long! Starting at around £70 though, many people would rather stick to buying fuel for £2-£5. 

If you haven't looked at my Fuel For Your Engine page, I suggest you do so. It's basically a comparison sight for all types of fuel for steam engines on the internet with my recommendation of the best fuel out there.